CWM Prayer: Call to pray for those in authority

CWM Prayer: Call to pray for those in authority

CWM Prayer:  We are so humbled by what we see God doing in our midst whilst there is so much shaking in the nations all around us.  It is so important that we know the one who holds the times and the nations in His hand.  We can be so confident of His love, compassion and provision as Jesus gave everything absolutely everything for us, so that we can have a personal relationship with our heavenly Father.

1 Timothy 2:1-4, NIV
“I urge, then, first of all,
that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving
be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority,
that we may live peaceful and quiet lives
in all godliness and holiness.
This is good,
and pleases God our Saviour,
who wants all people
to be saved
and to come to a knowledge of the truth.”
The Lord warned us in the prophetic word He gave us 3rd June and we sense the urgency to mobilise people to pray for our nations at this very difficult time.  Here is the word we had.  We did unpack this at the last Big PUSH which we suggest you watch if you haven’t seen it as we unpacked this word, how we responded and what God has done since then.

“The Lord said, “You are currently watching a 4-baton race.  The time left for Queen Elizabeth to pass the baton to Prince Charles is very short. There will be such an outpouring of national grief which has never been seen before.  It will be grief at the loss of our Queen but also the grief which has been held back during and regarding covid (the loss of loved ones, businesses, and hope etc).  Prince Charles will be overwhelmed by his own grief, both emotionally and physically.

Sadly, there will be a public backlash against the monarchy before Prince Charles is crowned. The backlash is not just about the monarchy but against those perceived to be in authority. There will be a stepping away from many of the Commonwealth nations where the Queen has been Head of State.  Prince Charles will perceive it as personal rejection of him (which it is not!) and his time as Monarch will be very shaky. (We need to pray Prince Charles is not a wounded King).

Prince William is ready, but it will be a very different Monarchy.  Therefore, they will need to change the preparations for Prince George for his future as Monarch.”

Now we have seen King Charles receiving the baton and awaiting his coronation.  However, the government has been in complete disarray.  The backlash has been devastating and causing great damage to our nation and the most vulnerable people in our communities.  We urge you to lay aside any political opinions you may have to pray without prejudice as the Lord wants to lead us.

We met to pray via zoom last Tuesday and all agreed it was a very powerful time BUT we realise we cannot wait for the next scheduled meeting to gather again.


The zoom details are:

Meeting ID: 811 5369 5562
Passcode: 997610

Please put these dates for further prayer meetings to be held on:
15th November
6th December
10th January

Upcoming Events

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Monday Prayer Watch

September 23, 2024 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm – Your prayers can make a difference.  We urge you to join us as we gather together on Zoom on the 4th Monday of each month for our Prayer Watch where we worship and pray about local & national issues.   How you can join If you would like to join the event, we will be […]


Event Start
25 October 2022 - 7:30 pm
Event End
25 October 2022 - 7:30 pm
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